Just like your favorite take-out, we deliver.

We were offering delivery by pre-order back when “Pandemic” was just a boardgame!  

How it works:

  1. Find your nearest drop site and the next delivery date.

  2. Shop our convenient online store.

  3. Check out and pay securely online through Paypal.

  4. We pack your order and bring it to the drop site on the appointed date and time.

  5. You collect your food (no touching! no cash!).

  6. You feast!

Hey! Help us plan for demand by joining our Summer Farm Share! You choose what you want, when you want, order online, and we deliver to one of our drop sites on one of our pick up days. The only difference is that you pay upfront to create a “tab”, rather than when you place your order (and we give you a 10% discount on all of your selections!).


Don't See a Time or Location near you?  Email us about starting a Drop Site Near you.