Winter Farm Share
We are taking 2024-25 off from our Winter Share! If you are interested in getting food from us this winter, please email us to learn more about our monthly deliveries! (Below is information from the 23/24 season.)
Our monthly winter farm share allows customers to enjoy the best of fresh produce, eggs, and meat in what can be a hard season for locavores. Each share includes 4-7 kinds of fresh veggies from our greenhouses , 10 pounds of free-choice storage veggies, a customizable selection of our meats, and two dozen eggs. Our winter share member save 10% off of the retail price of our farm food, and many of our fresh veggies are grown exclusively for shareholders.
Winter produce is often a revelation to our members: the carrots are crisper, the spinach is sweeter, the lettuce keeps for weeks in the fridge. Much as we'd like to take credit, this is nature's way of surviving a frost--anything hardy enough to survive sub-freezing temperatures does so by adding sugars to its cells. Our unheated greenhouses warm up by day and freeze by night, leading to produce that is unlike anything you've eaten before.
Winter Farm Shares are available on the farm or delivered to North Chevy Chase Christian Church
2023-2024 Dates
On the farm, 1-5 pm: SUNDAY November 19 and SATURDAY December 16, January 27, and February 24
Chevy Chase, 5-6:30pm: MONDAY November 20th, and THURSDAY December 14th, January 25th, and February 22nd.
Shares cost $400 ($440 delivered)
A Sample Share
1 brussels sprout stalk
1 bunch beets
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch kale
1 pound spinach
1/2 pound lettuce or arugula
10 pounds of mix-and-match storage veggies (choose from potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, cabbage, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, parsnips, and celeriac)
2 dozen eggs
suggested meat share* 1 pork shoulder, 1 pack beef sausage, 2 packs chicken breasts or 2 packs chicken leg and thigh quarters
An example of the fresh part of the share, from December
*the suggested meat share is exactly that, a suggestion. Customers are invited to sub in or out any cut. We keep track of individual choices and relative values and, at the end of the season settle up if a customer has taken extra meat, or is entitled to more.
“By the way, your spinach should be declared a national treasure. We use everything you bring, happily.””